Tuesday, May 27, 2014

九芎Lagerstroemia subcostata

Lagerstroemia subcostata

Common Name: Chinese Crapemyrtle
Family: Lythraceae
Genus: Lagerstroemia

Native to Taiwan, Japan, China and the Philippines

Last time, Yilan Township was called Jiu Qiong Township, because of before developed, there are a large area of wild crape myrtle. At Toucheng Leisure Farm, you can found it everywhere.

Due to the smooth surface, monkey also difficult to climb it, therefore its other name is called “monkey don't climb”. It is distribute on low-altitude forests in Taiwan. 

Now its bark start to peel-off, the inner surface was covered by white powder and so smooth when touch it.

 After peeling-off its old bark, the young bark was showing white in colour. It is forming another aesthetic view about this tree.

Hard wood resistance to fire, one of the excellent fire woods. After drying, it is used to make farm tools. It conserves water and soil for planting. Flower and roots can be used as medicine. Its also one of the source of food for Actias heterogyna’s larvae.

Take from http://www.ccs-hk.org/DM/butterfly/Saturnidae/Actias-heterogyna.html and for more information about this insect can click the link.

During summer, it will start to bloom pink-white flowers. The bark will change from smooth whitish-grey to reddish-brown is one of the attractive characteristics about this plant. Oval or ovoid leaves with short petiole. It can be shrub or deciduous tree that can grow up to 14 meters.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Plant Growth Promoting Rhizocbacteria (PGPR) II

PGPR is a one of the bio-fertilizer. Compared to chemical fertilizer, it is more environmental friendly and has long-term effect.

Disadvantages of Chemical Fertilizer/Pesticides 
(Example: NPK 15:15:15)
 1. Land will turn into infertile in long term.
2. Reduce quality and quantity of crops.
3. Increase pH of land and cause some minerals are bounded by soil particles and not available for plant.
4. Accelerate the process of soil erosion and compaction. When the soil is compacted, roots of plants are hard to grow.
5. Applied too much, plant will susceptible to pest and disease.
6. More easy to be leached out especially urea fertilizer .
1. Built up resistance of pest to pesticides
2. Bacteria disease cannot be treated by using pesticides/fungicides
3. Easy to be leached out and caused pollution of water.

Advantages of Bio-fertilizer (PGPR)
1. Environmental friendly 
2. Help to promote the growth of root - absorb more soil nutrients and water
3. Can stay in the soil for long-term period - Microorganism
4. Help to fix nitrogen in soil
5. Help to increase the available of phosphate and potassium
6. Help to protect plant from pathogen disease like powdery mildew.
7. Help to kill larvae of pest

PGPR fertilizer that used in our farm:

Bacillus mycoides 

It was common soil microorganism. It can help to fix nitrogen in soil therefore we can replace nitrogen fertilizer with it. Bacillus mycoides can used to control the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungus.  Diseases that caused by pathogenic bacteria and fungus like powdery mildew, wilting disease and others. Therefore, we can use it to replace pesticide or fungicide to control pathogen disease. 
Extra information:
Bacillus mycoides strain SU-23 is proved can be used to control damping off disease on cucumber seedling caused by Pythium mamillatum (Paul et al., 1995).
Paul, B., Charles, R. and Bhatnagar, t. 1995. Biological control of Pythium mamillatum causing damping-off of cucumber seedlings by a soil bacterium, Bacillus mycoides, Microbiological ResearchVol150, 1, 71–75.

Bacillus thuringiensis

Bacillus thuringiensis

It is Gram positive bacteria and normally used as bio-pesticides. Commonly used to against leaf-feeding caterpillar and also affect to larvae of  beetles and mosquitoes.  

Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria Inoculant No.1

Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria

Phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms can help to increase the availability of phosphorus in soil and promote plant growth and increase the plant yield (Ahemad et al., 2009). The phosphate-solubilizing bacteria can produce organic acid which can help to solubilize insoluble phosphate in the soil. Examples of bacteria which can solubilize phosphate are Erwinia and Bacillus.
(copy from Ooi, 2014)
Ahemad, M., Zaidi, A., Khan, M.S. and Oves, M. 2009. Biological Importance of Phosphorus and Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes – An Overview. Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes for Crop Improvement, ed M.S. Khan and A. Zaidi, pp. 1-14. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Ooi, Y.S. 2014. Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Its Effect on Quality of Turfgrass, Degree Thesis, University Putra Malaysia.


Friday, May 16, 2014

臺灣藜 Chenopodium formosanum

Chenopodium formosanum

Common Name: 臺灣藜, Taiwan quinoa
Family: Amaranthaceae 
Genus: Chenopodium

Taiwan quinoa previously been mistaken as exotic species, after funded by the Forestry Bureau, and passed to three professors that come from different universities in Taiwan for identify this plant. After this three professors's cooperative research, identification of this plants was Taiwan's endemic plants has been confirmed. In year 2008, red quinoa was officially naming as Taiwan quinoa.

It was annual herb and also was dicotyledonous angiosperms plants. It can grow up to 2.8 meters height. Fruiting period from May to October. Tolerance to drought, salty and can grow well on the dry or barren land.

Whole plants was rich in pigments like yellow, red, orange, purple and other colour. Therefore, it was an excellent source of natural pigments. Tender stem and leaves and flower spikes can be fried, soup or pickled. Dry stems can be used as fuel. Due to its bright and various colors on plants, it was not just can eat and also can be used as floral materials for display. Its vase life can be more than 10 days.

Fruit of Taiwan quinoa 

The suitable harvest status - when the surface of fruits turn to slightly black and leaves was shriveled.

For more information,


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Life Cycle of Rice Paper Butterfly

Rice Paper Butterfly

In Toucheng Leisure Farm, we are cultivated an area for rearing the rice paper butterfly. We were planting Parsonia laevigata for attracting the rice paper butterfly come to lay egg. This is because Parsonia laevigata is the favourite food for its larvae.

Rice Paper Butterfly
Scientific Name: Idea leuconoe
Order: Lepidoptera
Origin on Southeast Asia
Other name: Paper Kite, Large tree nymph



 Chrysalis stage 
 (Like Christmas decorative light bulb if see from the far)

 Butterfly (Adult)

Find more information on Toucheng Leisure Farm~!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Plant in TLF (Mandarin and English Version) III

大頭茶 Gordonia axillaris

Every October until January is the flowering period of this plant. After the capsule is cracked was the excellent natural ecological material, but also is an excellent nectar plants.

Common Name: Camellia
Theaceae – Gordonia
Mainly distributed on South China, Taiwan and Indochina, but is native to Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Growth on thickets and early secondary forest.

常綠中喬木 Evergreen Arbour Tree

Smooth stems, there was only furry on the top of buds, stem straight, bark in light grey to light brown.
Simple leaves with alternate leaf arrangement, buds in conical shape, on the top has short and soft silvery hair; leaves were leathery and thick, oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate in shape, often clustered at the branch tip, ribs can be clearly to see it, lateral veins not obvious, the margin of whole or upper surface of leaves has no visible serrated, turn into red before fall.
 Woody capsule was oblong in shape and brown in colour. Seeds were flat and capsule was cracking on the tip of the dry fruit and spread out the winged seeds, wind borne seed (Samara).

1. Ornamental landscape: The flower white in color, large and bright, leaves turn red before fall, quite ornamental characteristics as an excellent landscape tree.
2. Windward slope planting: leathery leaves that resist to wind and drought and adapted well on the windward slope.
3. Building, lumber and firewood: red-brown wood with dense texture and strong decay-resistant can be used for construction, timber and firewood.
4. Medicinal: Stem and bark was spicy in taste and warm with active analgesic effect, can cure rheumatism, back pain and bruises; fruit was spicy, astringent, warm can help to treat diarrhea; root was convergent with bleeding, treat menstruation, diarrhea, stomach pain and arthritis.

血桐Macaranga tanarius

分布在中國大陸、菲律賓、琉球、澳洲、台灣全境及蘭嶼,濱海、平地及低海拔 的地方。
Common Name: Elephant’s Ear
Euphorbiaceae – Macaranga
Distributed on China, Philippines, Okinawa, Australia, Taiwan and Lanyu, coastal, plains and low altitude area.

In mandarin, “Tong” generally refers to the wood species that white colour and light weight such as people that familiar with the coral tree, tung oil tree, Paulownia tree and Indus tree.
Macaranga species is intolerant to shade, need to grow under full sun, normally grow on undermining ground or nearly collapse ground, also distributed on the coast, and pandanus, yellow hibiscus and others forming coastal shrubs. 
Previously, Macaranga will grow on the ridge, but it do not has economic value, the farmer will always break the branches that blocked the road, firstly is not that obvious and farmers do not care about that, but when farmer finish their work and on the way back, he was scared by the appearance of Macaranga,the broken branches has been covered by bloody liquip, therefore, it was called as Red Blood Tong or Bleeding Tong (Hokkien dialect).
Generally petiole is on the side of the leaf margin, but Macaranga petiole is in the middle of the leaf, like the shield that used in the ancient battle, very easy to identify. Because of the Macaranga fast growing, therefore the wood was loose, light and soft, can used for construction and manufacture the box board; previously, farmer use the leaves to feed the livestock, seeds can attract many bird, squirrels come to feed.

Macaranga branches that break at the beginning, the liquid was colourless and transparent, after oxidation, it turns into bloody red colour, like bleeding, this was the origin of Blood Tong name. Distributed on Taiwan and China, can be found on the low-altitude island.

1. Light and soft wood can use for construction and manufacture box board
2. The powder of bark and leaves can be used as preservative.
3. Leaves can used to feed goat, cow or deer.

油桐 Vernicia fordii

During autumn, all the leaves will completely fall, just left the bare branches, when spring will grow out new leaves, bud will be forming on the tips of branches and blooms, dioecious or monoecious.When flower start to bloom is white in colour, centre pale green, it will gradually turn into dark colour and forming reddish brown colour. Peduncle of male flower is thin and easy to break will cause whole flower fall; female flower’s petal when turn into reddish brown, petal by petal will fall off, leaving the pistil at the centre and developed as fruit.

Between the ends of March until May, the cluster white flower gradually falling at the low-altitude mountains, Taiwan, large amount of male flower blooming, under the tree the whole flower covered the ground, plus small amount of female flower petal by petal fall off, forming the “May Snow” scenery. You may wish to pick up the flower that falling on the ground, see the middle of the flower isn’t only has stamen?

Euphorbiaceae – Vernicia genus tung tree species, native to China.
Common Name: Tung oil tree
Because of it can produce valuable tung oil, therefore make it so precious. It is using seeds to propagate. 
The highest can reach until 9 meters. Normally, tung leaves are 15 to 25cm long.
It contain toxic, the toxicity of seeds are the strongest, as long as eating only one seed can be fatal.

The petiole is long, leaf base with two cups like crab eyes whish spherical glands, will secrete sweet juice, attract pests came to feeds, so it plays the role of nectar plant, on the other hand using the sweet juice to reduce the damage that caused and eaten by pests.

Fruit skin shrinkage, is fast-growing tree species, main trunk straight, branched into a roulette-like whorls, branches stout, thickness uniformity and less quantity. Broad leaves in heart-shaped, oftenly at the front 3 to 5 parted, you can see the front has deep cleft and do not have a deep cleft split on the entire leaves.

馬拉巴栗 Pachira aquatica

Toucheng Leisure Farm Summer Camp experience to collect the seed and plant this Pachira tree!
As decorate indoor potted plant, highly tolerance to shade, plant can be grow in the indoor and under poor light environment, plus its elegant appearance, little decorate with some red ribbon or gold nugget became cute Pachira, so become the famous plants decoration during holidays.
            Pachira actually is one of species that has economic value, except the seeds are edible when ripe, timber can used for wood pulp, plants can shade, decorate, multipurpose used.

馬拉巴栗植株種於室外土壤可高達十數公尺,若種於盆栽多不超過 兩公尺 ;樹幹部份極易木質化並澎大,因此很容易造就優美身型,成為盆栽園藝中的一種特色。
Pachira trees were planted in outdoor and can be grow up to more than 10 meters, if planted in pot will no more than 2 meters; the trunk is large and big, therefore making it easy to create beautiful body shape, become one of features in gardening. If planted in pot, it almost no flowering and used as ornamental purpose only.

Common Name: Malabar chestnuts
Malvaceae – Pachira plant
Genus name is changed from Guyana language, meaning “in the water”. Malabar chestnut is direct translated from English name.

分佈 : 原產於中美洲墨西哥、哥斯大黎加、南美洲委內瑞拉、圭亞那
Distribution: Native to Central America-Mexico, Costa Rica, South America, Venezuela, Guyana

 It was originally a tropical fruit tree, because seeds edible after fry, it is also called as United States potatoes! The germ contain trace amount of hydrogen cyanide, but do not consume too much.
Root contains mucus that can be used for paper or glue.
Trunks can be used as raw material of paper pulp, is a good input and high economic values for this excellent species.
This green plant pot (Pachira, Fortune tree), the most suitable for company opening’s celebrate present.

海檬果 Cerbera manghas
Its fruits look like tasty but whole plant contains white emulsion with poisonous, seeds toxicity is strongest.
Ten head of cattle can poison by one fruit to describe the toxicity of this fruit. Please be careful and do not eat!

Common Name: Sea mango tree
Apocynaceae-Cerbera plant

Small Evergreen tree
Due to its leaves and fruits shape looks like
mango, and mainly grown in tropical coastal offshore area or the ground on the both sides of river, this was its name came from.
Sea mango tree is
native to South East Asia.

Simple leaves alternately, oblong or narrowly ovate. Flowering from March to October, flower grows in cymes, corolla slender as green-whitish colour, centre as purple reddish, left lobes, has total of five.

Fruiting period from July to December, fruit in early stage was green, purple when ripe. Inside fruits like woody fibre layer, as sea floating plants. It was planted in street as ornamental plant.
