黃金串錢柳– Melaleuca bracteata
Golden string coins willow name is luck, therefore planting it can gain wealth or attract wealth coming for Chinese.
It were planted a row on the shore of river area that near to “Gong” playing area in Toucheng Leisure Farm!!!
Leaves have an aromatic flavour, can be used as spice.
Myrtaceae – Melaleuca plant
Native to Australia
Because characteristics soft branches have strong anti-typhoon capacity, resistance to flood, salt and strong wind. It favour warm to high temperatures, full sun, fertile sandy soil as cultivated soil has better effect. It is suitable for green garden landscape and wind shield.
樟樹– Cinnamomum camphora
Camphor tree in Taiwan (ROC), Miaoli County, Yunlin County, Nantou County, Tainan County and the city of Shimonoseki, Japan as city or county tree.
Common Shade Tree: Dense foliage, beautiful, can be used for street trees or windbreaks.
Woody with aroma favour, pest-resistance, tolerance to water-wet, can be used as building material, ship building, furniture and carving.
Refined camphor, camphor oil: Root, wood, branches, and leaves can be refined as camphor, camphor oil; camphor can be used for medicines, plastics, dynamites, preservatives, insecticides and other uses, camphor oil can be used as pesticides, soap, varnish and essence and other raw materials.
Medicine:Effect: Root, wood: carminative and relief cold, warm stomach, antipruritic and anti-pain. Root, stem, branch, leaf: insecticidal, anti-pain, refined camphor. Treat heart pain, toothache, scabies and ring worm.
Food: Pazala eurous asakurae, Graphium sarpedon connectens, Papilio thaiwanus
別名: 香樟、本樟、鳥樟、栳樟、樟仔
Common Name: Camphor tree
Lauraceae – Cinnamomum plant
Evergreen trees can grow up to 40 meters; exudes the unique fragrance of camphor tree.
Native to Southeast China; One of the major species on low-elevation area in Taiwan.
Dark brown bark with longitudinal crack grooves.
Alternate leaves in ovate or elliptic-ovate, thin, leathery, entire, smooth surface, the back slightly glaucous, glabrous, margin slightly wavy, there are three veins from the base, axillary has obvious glands.
Hermaphroditic flowers, bisexual, axillary panicles at the top branches, yellow-greenish flower, flowering from April to May.
Spherical berries, ripe during October to November, green turn to black-purplish and shiny when ripe.
澳洲茶樹– Melaleuca alternifolia
Named as Australia tea tree due to first discovered in Australia. Although known as tea tree, but not to do with tea.
It has a therapeutic, soothing, antiseptic and disinfectant effect.
多年生常綠喬木Common Name: Australia Tea Tree Myrtaceae – Melaleuca Perennial evergreen tree
Extraction of essential oil from the tea leaf has therapeutic, soothing, antiseptic and disinfectant properties.
1. 可治療擦傷、割傷、蚊蟲咬傷、感染病
2. 稀釋後精油可護膚或製成護髮劑
3. 利用消毒、抗菌的效果,用來作足部按摩。
1. Can treat abrasions, cuts, insect bites, infection disease
2. Diluted essential oil can use as skin care or made as hair care.
3. Used for foot massage due to it has disinfectant and antibacterial effect.
Use part: Stems, leaves, essential oils
Function: pickled, tea, antibacterial, bath, ornamental uses, medicinal, essential oils, skin care
Branches slender, leaves like tea’s new buds, linearly as pine-like leaves, containing aromatic oils; stem erect and woody, numerous stamens grow on the calyx tube, flowering need to wait until the tree grow as large tree just will bloom.

用途與近緣種用途區分:對細菌、真菌及濾過性病毒皆具有強力殺菌效果,提煉出茶樹精油,已經成為一般家庭醫藥箱的必備品。經常被添加在口腔清潔用品中如─牙膏、漱口水,白千層在庭園樹中很常見,與澳洲茶樹在分類上很接近,是同一屬的植物,提煉的白千層精油,也有很強的殺菌效果。黃金串錢柳,外觀看起來和澳洲茶樹很像,是純觀賞植物。 Purpose and uses to distinguish closed species: Need to have strong bactericidal effect to bacterial, fungi and viral, by extracting the tea essential oil, has become general family medicine cabinet essential goods. Often added in the mouth cleaning products like toothpaste, mouthwash, Melaleuca leucadendra almost similar to Australia tea tree same genus but different species and can often found in garden, the extracted essential oil also has strong bactericidal effect. Appearance of Melaleuca bracteatalooks like Australia Tea Tree, for ornamental use only.
楓香樹 – Liquidambar formosana
The dry leaves can be used as a bookmark, the dry capsule can be used as dried flowers materials. Commonly used in activities material at Toucheng Leisure Farm.
When rub the leaves, it will release guava aroma.
Common Name: Chinese sweet gum, Formosan gumAltingiaceae – Liquidambar plant
It is a large deciduous trees.
It is native to Southern China and Taiwan.
分佈於海拔 2000米以下溝谷、山坡、次生林中或溪河沿岸等地,深根性,喜生於濕潤、肥沃的壤土。樹形呈圓錐形,高可達40米,胸徑最大可達1米以上。葉為單葉互生或叢生枝端,心形或闊卵狀三角形,薄革質,掌狀3裂或幼時5-7裂成三角形,表面綠色,顏色隨季節轉變,入秋後轉變成黃色至翌年春季落葉時轉變成紅色。花單性,雌雄同株。果為蒴果,由多枚蒴果聚合成頭狀果序,圓球形,密生星芒狀刺,形如流星鎚,木質,成熟時深褐色。
Light-demanding plant, favor full sun, tolerance to shade and fire, antitoxic and anticold.
Distributed on valleys, hillsides, secondary forest or the places along the river that bellow the altitude of 2000 meters, deep rooting, favor grow on moist and fertile soil. Conical tree shape and can grow up to 40 meters and the diameter can up to 1 meter or more.
Simple leaves are alternate in arrangement or cluster on the branches, heart shape or broad ovate-triangular, thin and leathery, palmate lobed or when young 5 to 7 split into triangles, green surface, the color will changes with the seasons, change to yellow when autumn later on when spring, turn into red colour.
Flowers unisexual.
Fruit is capsule, from multiple pieces of capsules aggregated into the head-like infructescence, spherical, densely stellate-shaped spines, shaped like a meteor hammer, woody, turn into dark brown when ripe.

The resin of branches can be taken for making incense and medicinal uses.
Branches can use to cultivate mushrooms.
The woods are hard and resistant to termites, an excellent material for construction and making furnitures.
The leaves are pressed and can be used as bookmark after dry.
Dry capsule can used as dried flower material.
During spring and summer as shaded tree, as street trees, garden trees or bonsai tree
Leaves can used to feed giant silkworm, as food for luna moth, Saturnia pyretorum and other species of moth.
青楓– Acer serrulatum
Acer serrulatum and Liquidambar formosana seem like very similar from appearance and confusing, a simple and easy identification method: Acer serrulatum leaves opposite in arrangement, Samara fruit, fruit look like grown a pair of wing; Liquidambar formosana leaves cluster on branches, fruit from multiple pieces of capsules aggregated into the head-like infructescence, fruit almost round in shape, but the surface seems like got densely sharp thorns.
Aceraceae – Acer genus
Deciduous tree; branches and sapling stem in green color.
Endemic to Taiwan. Distributed on the low-elevation of broadleaf forest in whole island.
5~7 lobed palmate leaves with giant teeth, 5 sepals, 8 petals, Samara fruit.
When autumn and winter, leaves turn into red, scholars often use them as the object to describe the scenery in poem, tourists like to collect the leaves and clip into the book as bookmark.