Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Recycling old, used newspapers

Old issues of daily newspapers are bought by Toucheng Leisure Farm not to review the past news of the past weeks or months, but for some different reasons.

During the T-shirt printing or green bag printing process, old newspapers are useful materials to prevent the dyes to stain  the other side of the shirt or bag.

After the printing these old, used and stained newspapers are gathered and reserved for another purpose.

At the kilning area old newspapers are used to burn for fire starters. Only then will this useful, humble paper material vanished, but not totally, they will return to the soil as fertilizer or part and parcel of the earth!

During the sky lantern making old, used  newspapers are also a help for absorbing the excess
colored paint used for writing one's wishes and prayers on the lantern. Otherwise, the wet 
paper will affect its fragility and the weight of the lantern causing it to fly slower to the sky.

These little and insignificant acts may seem unnoticed, but they meant a lot on our ways to save the earth.

We do our part Toucheng Leisure Farm's style to make the earth a safe and healthy place to live, for ourselves, our sons and daughters and for all future inhabitants of our beautiful world!

How do you do your share?

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