Monday, October 14, 2013

Water is very valuable to our environment.

Water is a very simple element and sometimes taken for granted.
Here at Toucheng Leisure Farm, we use water every minute everyday. For washing, cleaning, watering plants ,etc.etc...etc...

Toucheng Leisure Farm has 3 streams around its vicinity, which flows water from the eternal spring on top of the Snow Mountain. This is very precious to the Farm because it gives it a natural source of fresh, clean and abundant water.

Toucheng Leisure Farm is an Experimental School and includes the Rice Culture and Rice  Paddy lessons right in the middle of the Farm.
Rice is a semi-aquatic plant which requires a high demand for water consumption. So the abundant water supply around the Farm makes it a convenient and appropriate venue for this activity.

The Farm's fishpond is also a water consuming area. Tilapia and Carps are the kinds of fishes swimming around the pond. Guests can enjoy a lazy dusk or dawn time to catch a small or big fish for an additional dish for the BBQ dinner.


Inside the Farm is the Cangjiu Winery complete with a wine cellar. The water used for wine making is from the Snow Mountain spring water  which gives a special taste to the wine. Vinegar is also a product made in the Winery. A shop is located on the ground floor to sell wine and vinegar to guests who ask for it.

That and many more are the reasons why water is valuable to our environment.

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