Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kumquat Fruit

The kumquat plant is native to South Asia region and it has been cultivated in Southern Asia, Taiwan, the Philippines and Japan. The scientific name of kumquat is Citrus margarita and belongs to Rutaceae. It is in oval shaped. It assembles like an orange but smaller size. It has a sweet taste as the skin is eaten. They are evergreen shrubs; it has 2 to 5 meters in height. The leaves are in dark glossy green while the flowers are in white colour. The tree with dense branches and it can produce dense quantities of fruits annually.

The fruit ripen usually in late winter. The oval shape of this type kumquat is also called Nagami kumquat requires 25°C to 38°C; however it can withstand frost down to about −10 °C without injury. Although it has ability to growth in low temperature, but it will grow well and much better in warm climate so that it would produce dense, large and sweeter fruits. The planting propagation of kumquat is usually growth by using vegetative methods instead of using seeds.

Kumquat fruit has a lot of benefits to our health. This is because kumquat contains high nutrition value which it has antioxidants that good in our health. For instance, it has Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E which against from various diseases like cancer, diabetes and ageing. Kumquat contains good antioxidants that will remove free radicals and toxic from our body. Therefore, it can against from diabetes and reduces cholesterol in the blood. It then helps to increase the blood flow and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. This is due to the fruit has adequate amount of potassium to increase the fluid level. Furthermore, the antioxidants which consisted inside the fruit can neutralize and the free radicals that would damage DNA cells and change the normal cells into cancer cells, and protect structure of DNA from free radicals which will lead to cancer. The eating of the fruit will also slow down the ageing process because it protects the skin damage from free radicals.

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